Jackshop - "Dare To Play Bear"
Jackshop was created in 2006 by Jaska "Jack" Aaltonen.
Since then, many big names have begun using Jackshop Custom -drums & Amedia Cymbals.
Jaska has been working together with Amedia Cymbals in Istanbul for many years, where cymbals are still made by hand and each cymbal is an individual. Many academies & schools also use Jackshop products.
Jackshop's store is located in Pori, Finland, but Jackshop sells products all over the world.
Jackshop is also present in developing new cymbals with Amedia and Jaska can be found by the Amedia stand in Frankfurt Music Festival every year. Jackshop also provides custom drums & even cymbals. Whatever your need, Jackshop provides. Jackshop also sells a variety of accessories & other instruments.
Jackshop also provides instrumental rental services. Were it a backline PA or a historic Gretsch drumset, we got your back. Everything is negotiable. Jackshop's main goal is to provide everyone with products that have the best quality-to-price margin.
Let us be your consult of condifence. Play more than pay.
Visit Jackshop!
Visit our store in Pori! Here you will find a collection of more than 600 cymbals, always more than 50 snare drums, different custom drum sets, many choices for hardware and accessories, nearly 100 models of drumsticks, dedicated section for bass and guitars, amps and pedals and much more! You can collect and try out your dream set of drums, cymbals and more here in Jackshop store. We also have used instruments and accessories and we will gladly take them in trade for new ones. Please call 0400 812174 before you are coming so that we know to be there to welcome you and but the coffee machine runnin'! We are open usually from 9am to 23pm!
Tule käymään Jackshopilla! Meiltä löydät suoraan hyllystä yli 600 symbaalia, aina yli 50 erilaista virveliä, Custom-rumpusettejä, erilaista hardwarea sekä tarvikkeita, lähes 100 mallia kapuloita, oman osaston täynnä kitaroita ja bassoja sekä erilaisia vahvistimia ja paljon muuta. Täällä voit testata kaikki tuotteemme ja koota niistä tarvitsemasi kokonaisuuden. Meiltä löydät myös käytetyt soittimet ja laitteet sekä otamme niitä myös vaihdossa uusiin. Soittele 0400 812174 kun olet tulossa niin tiedetään olla paikalla. Juodaan kahvit ja etsitään se oikea ratkaisu juuri sinulle! Ollaan valmiudessa yleensä aamuysistä iltamyöhään!